
La vegetazione dei nuclei naturalistici del Parco Regionale Oglio Sud

This second publication is a study providing complete information on the vegetation of the main natural environments of Oglio Sud Park: an instrument of reading that gives the opportunity to reason and make comparisons with the other Park areas, to study the human measures and activities that have led to the current situation, and to provide some advice for the conservation of the vegetation biodiversity.
  • Series: I Quaderni del Parco
  • Author/s: Prof. Marcello Tomaselli
  • Publisher: Consorzio del Parco Oglio Sud
  • Pages: 106
  • Size: 16,5x23,5cm
  • Year: 2003
  • Price: 12.00 €  
La vegetazione dei nuclei naturalistici del Parco Regionale Oglio Sud
La vegetazione dei nuclei naturalistici del Parco Regionale Oglio Sud
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