
Parco della fascia fluviale del Po - tratto Cuneese


Products: Sweets

There are many different local products and gastronomic specialties.
Viso Valleys are well-known for their cheese: the most famous one is Nostrale. Other kinds of cheese are the so-called Rifreddo, made of small "tome" which were sold on straw trellies, while Barge was famous for its production of pecorino cheese.
The valley houses an important craftsmanship of preserved meat, above all in Cavour; there are two kinds of cold cuts which are worth tasting, the so-called Batiùr or Mariùr and the beef salami, one of the few salami in Italy made with beef.
Saluzzo, "the Siena of Piedmont", gives the name to a white hen which is more difficult to find than Bionda breed, but also to the DOC wine of Colline Saluzzesi, dedicated to the grapes Pelaverga, Quagliano, Nebbiolo, and Barbera.
Ancient apple varieties have survived in the areas which are not exploited by fruit growing, while chestnuts are commercialized on the market of Paesana.

Found 2 results (Sort order: Category > Product)
The etymology of Batiaje, corn meal pastries characteristic of the upper Po Valley, could be the same of Batiùr: as a matter of fact, like the boiled salami, these cookies were eaten on the occasion of a christening. There is also another explanation,...
Category: Sweets
Other characteristic sweets of Monviso valleys are Losëtte, Brut e Bun ("awful but good") with almonds and hazelnuts, the biscuits with Pelaverga, and Risòle, fried ravioli filled with jam and spread with sugar.
Category: Sweets
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