

Practice Wall: Mt. Muzzerone

Mt. Muzzerone and its cliffs have become one of the ideal destinations for thousands of mountain climbers coming from all over Europe and not only. The main reasons of this great interest are represented by the unique landscape characterized by the presence of the sea, and the excellent rock quality, as well as the easy accessibility and the proximity of one cliff to the other, offering a great variety of styles and therefore the possibility to practice at all levels.
Most sections seem to have been already explored, but it is still possible that, behind an undiscovered corner or following a gully towards the sea, you may find a new cliff or a new itinerary, demonstrating once again the great beauty and wild features of this place.

Further information

Practice Wall: Mt. Muzzerone

Isola Palmaria Environmental Education Center

The Environmental Education Center is situated in a wonderful panoramic point on the homonymous island.
It offers 42 beds, toilets, kitchen, and a multipurpose hall.
The area can be used only for scientific and educational purposes or to observe natural and environmental phenomena, by previously presenting your projects to the Park Office or joining the projects organized by the Park.

For information and bookings: Tel. +39 0187 794822-1855646 - Fax +39 0187 1851425 - E-mail: - -  -

Isola Palmaria Environmental Education Center
Punta Dante Palmaria
Punta Dante Palmaria

Porto Venere Regional Park

Park Offices: Via Garibaldi, 9 - 19025 Porto Venere - Tel. +39 0187 794885-794823 - Fax +39 0187 794846
- Opening times: 8.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday

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