

Laboratorio Territoriale of Portofino Park

Viale Rainusso, 1
16038 Santa Margherita Ligure (GE)
Municipality: Santa Margherita Ligure
Region: Liguria

Tel. 0185/289479 (int.6) - Fax 0185/285706

Laboratorio territoriale di Portofino offers to citizens, teachers, and tourists detailed information on the educational activities and environmental policies of the Park, as well as on the trail network.
The Park Offices also house a rich Library you can visit by previous appointment with the person in charge: Annalisa Mortola.
Opening times: from Monday to Friday, 9.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m.

Contact: Dott. Alberto Girani - Director of Portofino Park Authority.
Since August 2009, the Park staff and services are managed by Associazione Temporanea di Imprese (A.T.I.) formed by: Costa Edutainment/Acquario di Genova and the tour guides of Cooperativa DAFNE.
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