I quaderni del Parco - N. 8
with documents on the Escarton of Pragelato Foreward by Grado Giovanni Merlo
Val Troncea Park, established with regional law in 1980, lies within an area rich both from a naturalistic and historical-anthropological point of view. The local people had to give answers to the events of social life (periods of war and peace, religious and political issues) and had to interact with the surrounding environment, creating with it a complex network of relationships.
- Series: I Quaderni del Parco / 8
- Author/s: Bruno Usseglio
- Publisher: Alzani Editore - Parco Naturale Val Troncea
- ISBN: 88-8170-85196-09-8
- Pages: 416
- Size: 17x24cm
- Year: 2010
- Price: 18.00 €