
Rete di Riserve del fiume Sarca - basso corso


Didactic trail of the Fies Hydroelectric Plant

  • Trail Conditions: On foot

    Immersed in the fascinating landscape of the Marocche di Dro, the trail of the Fies power plant offers the visitors the opportunity to know the story of the hydroelectric industry in Trentino, through the origins and the transformations of the Fies plant. Starting from the catchment structure, situated in the southern part of the Cavedine Lake, the description panels along the trail describe all the elements of a hydroelectric plant, in order to understand their functioning and to observe their technological development.
    Since it was established in 1909, the plant has been often changed in order to meet the growing needs of power and to keep up with the technological progresses, through a long and complex story partially remembered along the trail's stages.
    Since 2000 the large rooms of the plant have come alive again thanks to the restoration works which turned the rooms into a large laboratory for theater and performing arts, a factory of ideas well known all over the world, where electric power becomes an artistic product.

    Fies Hydroelectric Plant
    Fies Hydroelectric Plant
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