
Riserva Naturale Regionale Adelasia


Cascina Miera

Mountain hut and environmental education Center

Mountain hut at 767m asl, upper basin of Rio Ferranietta
17014 Cairo Montenotte (SV)
Municipality: Cairo Montenotte
Region: Liguria

Tel. 338/6931783 (Marco Briano) e 347/3065166 (Marcello Delfino)

Ancient renovated farmstead, it lies near the ridge separating the Po Plain slope from the Ligurian slope and near Bric del Tesoro which, with its 859m asl, is the highest mountain of Montenotte mountain group.
The Cascina belongs to the quality accommodation circuit for the hikers of Alta Via dei Monti Liguri, which has an alternative route within Adelasia Nature Reserve. The mountian hut and environmental center "Cascina Miera" is accessible for people with disabilities.

The mountain hut houses training and refresher courses for teachers, environmental education lessons for students, seminars and research activities, internships, guided hiking activities.

Spaces and equipment:
The mountain hut puts at disposal:
  • didactic hall (40 seats) for projections and conferences
  • library with reading hall
  • no. 10 beds with bunk beds in dormitories
  • use of the kitchen with refectory
  • toilets and accessible structures for people with disabilities
  • emergency shelter
Other services:
  • a wildlife observatory
  • a shelter for horses.
How to get there:
The Mountain Hut and Environmental Education Center "Cascina Miera" is situated very near to the main entrance of the Regional Nature Reserve Adelasia from where it is reachable in about 10 minutes by foot.
Opening times:

The Mountain hut "Cascina Miera" is open from the 1st of April to the 31st of October.
The Environmental Education Center "Cascina Miera" is open for didactic activities in April, May, June, September and October. From November to March only the emergency shelter is open.

For information: Provincia di Savona - Parks and Protected Areas Office - Via Amendola, 10 Savona - Tel. +39 019 83 13545
Cascina Miera
Cascina Miera
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