
Area Marina Protetta Tavolara
Punta Coda Cavallo


Amphibians and reptiles

Sensitization and environmental education actions are considered an integral part of the nature conservation and management activities. The project "Quaderni dell'Area Marina" was born from the need to provide new updated and accessible instruments of knowledge and information.
This project aims at contributing to the knowledge of the environments of the MPA, enhancing not only the charismatic species, but also the less known species, and informing about the monitoring and conservation actions implemented for the safeguard of biodiversity.
With this series of publications, we hope to promote the awareness that the territory and the species populating it are a common heritage and that the challenge of sustainable management represents a right and a responsibility for all of us.
  • Series: Quaderni dell'Area Marina Protetta N° 4
  • Publisher: AMP di Tavolara
  • Price: free
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