
Riserva Naturale Nomentum


Atlante degli Anfibi e Rettili della Provincia di Roma

The knowledge of the geographical and ecological distribution of wildlife is an increasingly essential element in the preservation of biodiversity and in the territorial planning. The present volume represents a synthesis of the past and present knowledge on Amphibians and Reptiles living in the Province of Rome. It includes, respectively, 13 and 18 species; some of these species are widespread in the provincial territory while others, like for instance the Apennine Yellow-bellied Toad among the Amphibians and the Rat Snake among the Reptiles, represent in many areas wildlife or ecological relicts of great conservation value. 
  • Series: Biodiversità e Territorio
  • Author/s: Marco A. Bologna, Daniele Salvi, Monica Pitzalis
  • Publisher: Gangemi Editore
  • ISBN: 978-88-492-1374-4
  • Pages: 192
  • Size: 21x30cm
  • Year: 2007
  • Price: 30.00 €  
Atlante degli Anfibi e Rettili della Provincia di Roma
Atlante degli Anfibi e Rettili della Provincia di Roma
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