
Riserva Naturale Orientata Rupe di Campotrera

Rossena Castle

The massive profile of the fortress, which stands on a steep ophiolitic wall, is among the most evocative glimpses of the whole Matildic area. Together with the tower of Rossenella, it defended Canossa against attacks from the Enza valley. In the second half of the XIII century, the castle passed to the Correggeschi, at the beginning of the XVII century to the Duchy of Parma and today is owned by the Reggio diocese. In the castle, which could be visited on public holidays, some frescoed walls are preserved. At the base of the rocky spur rises the small medieval village, with traces of ancient wall hangings in different buildings.

Further information

Municipality: Canossa (RE) Region: Emilia-Romagna
(32873)Rossena Castle
Rossena Castle
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