Parks, Reserves, and Other Protected Areas in |
Protected Areas in Nicaragua
Nicaragua is characterized by geographical areas which still preserve important natural resources, areas with water springs vital for man and natural and historical scenery to safeguard. Nicaraguan Protected Areas form the National Protected Areas System (Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas - SINAP).
The administration of the protected areas is entrusted to the territorial delegation of MARENA for each department and is carried out thanks to the participation of the municipalities and non-governmental organizations, through a co-management model.
Categories of Protected Areas
- Nature Reserves
Protected terrestrial and/or coastal areas (sea or lake) established with the aim to preserve and recover natural ecosystems with particular natural and landscape features and geological formations.
- Genetic Resources Reserves
Dedicated to the protection of wild species which are used in programs of genetic improvement of flora and fauna of economic or alimentary interest.
- Nature Sanctuaries
Terrestrial and/or aquatic areas subject to measures to ensure the habitat maintenance and/or to meet the needs of certain animal species or communities, resident or migratory, of national or international importance, unique, rare and protected, or endangered.
- Private Nature Reserves
Private areas whose owners have decided to actively take part in the conservation, protection, and recovery of natural resources and local environment.
- National Monuments
Natural and/or historical-cultural elements like waterfalls, caverns, volcanic craters, fossil sea formations, unique specimens of flora and fauna, colonial fortifications, archaeological sites.
- Historical Monuments
Territories characterized by one or more cultural, historical or archaeological elements of national or international importance, associated to natural areas.
Source: Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales Nicaragua (MARENA)
Nature Sanctuaries
Private Nature Reserves
- Egon Borucki in Memoriam
- Propiedad Rural La Maquina
Genetic Resources Reserves
National Monuments
Private Nature Reserves
Private Nature Reserves
- Propiedad Rural Las Brumas
- Propiedad Rural Nawawas
- Propiedad Rural Valle Encantado
Private Nature Reserves
Nature Reserves
- Cerro Kilambe (www)
- Maciso e Peñas Blancas (www)
Private Nature Reserves
- Carlos Augusto
- Propiedad Rural Dinamarca
- Propiedad Rural El Escambray
- Propiedad Rural Las Cumbres
- Propiedad Rural La Palmera
- Propiedad Rural Terebinto
Private Nature Reserves
Private Nature Reserves
Private Nature Reserves
- Isabel Grande
- Propiedad Rural Quelantaro
- Propiedad Rural Montibelli
Nature Reserves
- Maciso e Peñas Blancas (www)
Genetic Resources Reserves
Private Nature Reserves
- Propiedad Rural San José
- San Rafael
Río San Juan
Nature Sanctuaries
- Los Guatuzos
- Río San Juan
National Monuments
Historical Monuments
Biosphere Reserves
- Reserva de la Biosfera del Sureste de Nicaragua (www)
Nature Sanctuaries
Private Nature Reserves
- La Guacamaya
- Propiedad Rural El Aguacate
- Propiedad Rural Escameca Grande
- Propiedad Rural La Estancia del Congo
- Propiedad Rural La Primavera
- Propiedad Rural San Pedro
- Propiedad Rural Toro Mixcal
Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte (RAAN)
Nature Reserves
- Bosawas (www)
- Cerro Banacruz (www)
Biosphere Reserves
Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur (RAAS)
Biosphere Reserves
- Reserva de la Biosfera del Sureste de Nicaragua (www)
Private Nature Reserves
- Propiedad Rural Greenfields
- Santa Isabel