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    Pagarina beer (PR Alpi Marittime) (photo by PR Alpi Marittime)


194 Products. Results from no. 161 to no. 180 (Sorting: Category > Product)


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Quality Brands

  The TroutThe Trout
The brown trout and the marble trout represent two major species of the wildlife characterizing the ... >>
(PR Alpi Marittime)
The cattle summer grazing activity has recently found a new drive in Lessinia, because it guarantees... >>
(PR Lessinia)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
 Cured Tongue
Cured tongue is the cow's tongue, with an average weight of 1 kilo, which undergoes a particular inf... >>
(PN Dolomiti Bellunesi)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
Slow Food Presidium
 Grey Alpine Cow
The grey alpine cow is one of the oldest inhabitants of the Alps. Raised for centuries by local popu... >>
(PN Stelvio)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
 Lard in Brine
After obtaining the lard from the back of the pork, it is divided into regular pieces and then mixed... >>
(PN Dolomiti Bellunesi)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
Traditional product of the Province of Belluno only, it consists in the mixture used to prepare saus... >>
(PN Dolomiti Bellunesi)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
  Roaschina or Frabosana SheepRoaschina or Frabosana Sheep
It is a medium-size sheep, rustic and frugal, with a characteristic snub-nosed profile and flattened... >>
(PR Alpi Marittime)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
Slow Food Presidium
Sambucana SheepSambucana Sheep
It is a medium-large sheep, with a large and muscular back, and thin, strong, and not very long limb... >>
(PR Alpi Marittime)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
Siror Smoked MeatSiror Smoked Meat
Product obtained using beef round cuts left standing in a dry pickle for some time and then smoked. ... >>
(PR Paneveggio - Pale San Martino)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
  Val Grande BeefVal Grande Beef
The meat comes from a small herd of cows climbing every summer the northern slope of Val Grande to S... >>
(PN Val Grande)
Autochthonous Breed and Meat
Agordo BarleyAgordo Barley
Agordo barley (orzo agordino in Italian) is a specific barley species, belonging to the Family Poace... >>
(PN Dolomiti Bellunesi)
Rice Pasta and Cereals

(PN Dolomiti Bellunesi)
Rice Pasta and Cereals
  Ossolan fresh pasta and gnocchiOssolan fresh pasta and gnocchi
The Ossolan bakeries aim at creating and spreading typical specialties of the Ossola valleys. The re... >>
(PN Val Grande)
Rice Pasta and Cereals
After many experimentations on the rye cultivation steered to the straw production to reconstruct th... >>
(PR Alpi Marittime)
Rice Pasta and Cereals
  Sponcio Corn FlourSponcio Corn Flour
Sponcio corn is an old corn variety characterized by free pollination, cultivated in the Province of... >>
(PN Dolomiti Bellunesi)
Rice Pasta and Cereals
  Val d&#39;Ossola&#39;s corn mealVal d'Ossola's corn meal
The corn cultivation at Ossola has deep roots and dates back to a time when corn plants were used wh... >>
(PN Val Grande)
Rice Pasta and Cereals
Bellunese SalamiBellunese Salami
In the past it was produced with pork and horsemeat, while today the most common mixture consists of... >>
(PN Dolomiti Bellunesi)
Cold Cuts
A classical product of Valle d'Aosta traditional cuisine (the name is read according to the French p... >>
(PN Gran Paradiso)
Cold Cuts
Caiet, a cooked charcuterie made with pork, is still produced by a small cured meat products' shop i... >>
(PR Alpi Marittime)
Cold Cuts
  Cold Cuts and Sausages of Lessinia ParkCold Cuts and Sausages of Lessinia Park
Pork meat processing boasts a long tradition. It was born with the aim to preserve meat, in order to... >>
(PR Lessinia)
Cold Cuts

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