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Two accommodation proposals to stay in the Adamello Brenta Park during Christmas Holidays
(Strembo, 13 Nov 13) On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas holidays the Adamello Brenta Nature Park proposes a family-nature-vacation by the Villa Santi Nature House, immersed in the fascinating rural landscape of the municipality of Montagne, only a few kilometers far from Madonna di Campiglio, Comano Terme and Mo...
Protected area: PR Adamello Brenta  |  Fonte: PR Adamello Brenta
New Year's Eve in Villa Santi
Attention, please: except in the outer ridge areas, in Val Grande it is almost impossible to use mobile phones
(Vogogna, 29 Ott 13) Since the Park is a wild and impracticable area, hikers, above all hikers who do not know the valley, should go along the trails - some of which difficult, dangerous and without trail markers - with the greatest caution and led by expert mountain tour guides (Park Official Guides, Mountain Tou...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Useful Information for Hikers
Ceremony for the announcement of the new geoparks of the European and world network
(Vogogna, 09 Set 13) The ceremony for the announcement of the new geoparks of the European and world network took place on the 5th of September within the Asclepio sanctuary in the ancient town of Velia, in the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park, in the presence of more than 450 delegates representing 41 ...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Sesia-Val Grande Geopark now a reality
From 4th to 6th of September 2013 Cilento and Vallo di Diano Geopark will host the conference which also the Adamello Brenta Geopark is going to take part in.
(Strembo, 28 Ago 13) The twelfth European Geoparks Conference will take place this year in Italy, in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano Geopark on the 4th, 5th and 6th of September. In Ascea, the ancient greek city of Elea, one of the cradles of western philosophy, which has been recently recognized as UNESCO World Heritage...
Protected area: PR Adamello Brenta  |  Fonte: PR Adamello Brenta
12th European Geoparks Conference
From 4th to 7th of September, 2013 in Parco Nazionale del Cilento e del Vallo di Diano
(Vallo della Lucania, 23 Nov 12) From 4th to 7th of September the 12th European Geoparks international Conference will take place in Ascea: it was established during the European Geoparks Network Conference which occurred in Norway in 2011. Italy, represented by a delegation from the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National ...
Protected area: PN Cilento e Vallo di Diano  |  Fonte: PN Cilento e Vallo di Diano
12th European Geoparks Conference
work to improve the geological heritage conservation activities
(Arenzano, 28 Feb 11) During 2010 the Beigua Regional Nature Park (European and UNESCO Global Geopark) continued his work to improve the geological heritage conservation activities within the frame of the wider and more complex strategy of conservation of the natural and cultural-historical heritage the protected area ha...
Protected area: PR Beigua  |  Fonte: PR Beigua
Guided visit along the coastal area of Beigua Geopark
Guided visit along the coastal area of Beigua Geopark
(17 Ago 10) On Sunday 15th August at 10.30 p.m., a group of tourists on holiday in Marina di Casalvelino witnessed a particular event: their dubious eyes saw two young otters swimming in an artificial ditch near the mouth of river Alento. But this is no surprise, since we know well that the queen of unpolluted ...
Protected area: PN Cilento e Vallo di Diano  |  Fonte: PN Cilento e Vallo di Diano
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