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Yesterday, at the headquarters of the Ente a Manarola, a meeting was held with CNA representatives and associates, in the presence of the leaders of the Marine Protected Area.
(Manarola - Sede Parco Cinque Terre, 18 Apr 18) The meeting was attended by representatives and associates of the CNA and of small and medium-sized enterprises of La Spezia, the President F.F. Vincezo Resasco, the Director Patrizio Scarpellini and the Marine Protected Technician, Claudio Valerani.The meeting provided an opportunity to clarify som...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Meeting with CNA representatives on Complementary Procedural Guidelines
Market investigation for the identification of companies to be invited to produce offer for the assignment of the coralligenous habitat mapping service, of the associated fish fauna and the submerged and semi-submerged caves of the Marine Protected Area.
(Manarola - Sede-, 18 Apr 18)   Cinque Terre National Park, partner of the European Project GIREPAM presented as part of the "Interreg V-A Marittimo Italy - France" co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), must carry out the study, follow up, the cartographic works and the implementation of local info...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
GIREPAM, market investigation for mapping service in the Marine Protected Area
The Procedural Guidelines complete Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area’s Implementation and Organisation Regulation: issuance of authorisations and permits
(Manarola - Sede Parco Cinque Terre, 16 Apr 18) By Resolution No 7 (16.03.2018) of the Park’s Board of Directors, the Procedural Guidelines completing Cinque Terre MPA’s Implementation and Organisation Regulation have been approved. The Guidelines contain detailed provisions on lawful activities (listed in the Regulation approved by M...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area: Complementary Procedural Guidelines have been approved
Anchoring started yesterday, in the framework of the InterregMed EcoSustain Project
(Mantova, 13 Apr 18) With the EcoSustain project, Mincio Park has started a satellite monitoring action of the water quality using four profiling buoys. Anchoring and installation started yesterday in strategic spots and Natura 2000 sites (Valli del Mincio and Vallazza Nature Reserves and the lakes of Mantua) to analyse...
Protected area: PR Mincio  |  Fonte: PR Mincio
Profiling buoys to analyse the river’s health and manage problems
The Sam Simon, one of the ships of the Sea Shepherd fleet - an NGO fighting for the protection of oceans and marine animals - is back in La Spezia.
(Riomaggiore, 12 Apr 18) The Sam Simon arrived in La Spezia directly from Liberia at the end of Operation Sola Stella. During this campaign, led in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence of Liberia, the ship has been secretly patrolling for weeks the waters of the Republic of Liberia, in western Africa, in the framework...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
MV SAM SIMON is back in La Spezia
The Park Authority has appointed a company that is currently carrying out important interventions to mitigate risk and restore access on the Vernazza-Corniglia stretch of Sentiero Verde Azzurro (SVA).
(Manarola - Sede del Parco, 10 Apr 18) Workers are making special efforts to remove unstable rock blocks, empty the rockfall protection nets, and rebuild dry stone walls, without even pausing on holidays in order to make up for time lost because of the bad weather. Trail reopening is planned for the next weekend. The SVA stretch from Ve...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Update on the accessibility of the Park’s trail network
Wine and food tourists have increased by 9% over the past year, and one in three Italian travellers has done at least one trip inspired by drinks and delicacies.
(Manarola - Sede-, 10 Apr 18) The data are included in the First Report on Food and Wine Tourism in Italy, which outlines the characteristics and trends of a sector that is growing all over the world. According to the Report, 41% of the travellers have visited a viniculture farm during their travels in the last three years, a...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Wine and food tourism, one in three travellers is inspired by drinks and delicacies
The ''MAnagement des Risques de l'Erosion cotière et actions de Gouvernance Transfrontalière'' project - 2014-2020 Marittimo Italy-France INTERREG transboundary Programme - enters its third phase
(Riomaggiore, 09 Apr 18)  The project aims at jointly preventing and managing the risks connected with coastal erosion in the area of cooperation. The purpose of the strategic project is to start a shared planning which, thanks to improved knowledge on erosion and coastal dynamics, leads to identifying the best solutio...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Maregot logo
Maregot logo
The rules below were set by the Carabinieri Forestry Corps and the Park to ensure correct use of the trail network, where many Italian and foreign tourists go hiking, and whose characteristics make it comparable to mountain tracks
(Manarola - Sede -, 09 Apr 18) Evocative and extraordinary: such is Cinque Terre Park. And the best way to get to know it is by walking on its numerous cliff-side tracks, on trails running by small villages and across mountains that decline - abruptly, sometimes - towards the sea rocks and the tra...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre Park: the Hiker's Handbook
Saturday, Cinque Terre’s largest and most ancient vineyard gets newly baptised. With an organic art installation by Marco Nones
(Monterosso al Mare, 03 Apr 18) Countdown in Monterosso for the new inauguration of the Maddalena Hermitage’s historical vineyard, one of the largest and most ancient in Cinque Terre. The morning of this special event will be marked by spirituality, art, beauty and tasting, to celebrate the rebirth of the vineyard. The art i...
Protected area: PN Cinque Terre  |  Fonte: PN Cinque Terre
Rebirth of Maddalena’s historical vineyard, and land art.
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