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On the occasion of the Festambiente memorial and scholarship in the name of the late lamented Chiappini.

Giampiero Sammuri, president of Federparchi, and Jean Marie Dominici (Scandola Reserve) will be also present.
(28 Ago 13)

On the occasion of Festambiente Federparchi – Europarc Italia and Legambiente commemorated Jean Luc Chiappini, President of the Corsican Regional Park who was murdered in Ajaccio on the past 25th of April.

For those who work in the field of the environmental safeguard and of Europe's protected areas the news of Jean Luc Chiappini's vicious murder still represents a heartrending fact. Chiappini - who was also Mayor of Letia - collaborated over the last decades with some Italian parks, and took part in conferences and events organized by Federparchi and Legambiente.
Read more (Italian Text)

Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Federparchi
Chiappini con Sammuri, Gentili e Grimaldi
Chiappini con Sammuri, Gentili e Grimaldi
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