
Books, DVDs, and Gadgets

Popular or scientific publications on various aspects of the protected area, but also several multimedia items (on different supports), as well as clothes, accessories, and personalized gadgets.

Found 22 results (Sort order: Category > Item)
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Manuale del Pescaturismo nel Delta Polesano del Po
Price: free
Nono cuntame d'na volta
Nono cuntame d'na volta
Traditions, fairy-tales, and sayings of the ancient Po Delta collected by the pupils of L. Brunetti middle school from Porto Tolle
Progettare la Terra - progettare la società
Progettare la Terra - progettare la società
The activity of Ente Delta Padano in the 1950s
Price: free
Voce del verbo mangiare
Voce del verbo mangiare
Traditional and new recipes of the Po Delta
Price: free
Viaggio virtuale lungo valli e lagune
Price: free
Page 2 of 2
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