Riserve des Cascades de Banfora

What's New

Among the Forètes classées de Banfora, Sorti della Partecipanza di Trino Park has chosen to take action in BOUNOUMA FOREST with the aim to contribute to the improvement of the ecological quality.
In particular, 1,000 bedding plants have been prepared in the nursery: they will be subsequently planted in the forest. A marked didactic trail has been prepared for the training of park experts and teachers and the sensitization of students, promoting the understanding of the importance of biodiversity conservation.

"Protection of the Environment for Food Security and Struggle against Poverty"

Euros 149,800.00 from the network of the Parks of Piedmont Alta Valle Pesio e Tanaro, Orsiera - Rocciavrè, Lame del Sesia, Collina torinese, and Bosco delle Sorti della Partecipanza di Trino: the duration of the projects, which started seven years ago, has created a thick network of relationships and collaborations between the Parks of Piedmont and the African Parks (Ranch Gibier di Nazinga, K. Tambi Park, Banfora Reserves, and Ouagadougou Urban Park) that has led to the publication of a brochure dedicated to all these parks and, above all, to exchanges of staff and training courses.
In particular, the training course on the biology of bees held in Nazinga by prof. Marco Porporato from the Faculty of Agriculture - Turin in January 2008 to a group of bee keepers of the villages surrounding the parks: the course was attended with great attention and led to a considerable improvement of the quality of honey; also the wax dieplate is important, since it can find a good market among the bronze sculptors as "cire perdue".

In October 2008, seven operators of the Parks of Burkina Faso attended a training course at the Forest School of Ormea on the themes of biodiversity, quality of water and methods for its analysis, the remote sensing of the vegetation covering and the use of the soil, bee keeping techniques with experiences in the field.

The cartography of K. Tambi Park has been completed and the basis for the cartography of Banfora Reserves will be completed in 2009, thanks to the collaboration of IPLA and the experts from Burkina Faso with the additional fund of Euros 17,300.00 from the Protected Area Planning Section.
The paper and digital material and the equipment provided to the Parks of Burkina Faso, besides the training of their staff, will give the opportunity to work on more important issues, like the use of the soil in the "corridor of the elephants" between Ranch Nazinga and K. Tambi Park.