
Zona Speciale di Conservazione Palù Longa

Identity Card
Cod. RN2000: IT3120020
Surface Area: 5.93 ha
Provinces: TN
nome fotografia1
Palù Longa SCI-SPA (photo by Rete di Riserve Fiemme-Destra Avisio)

Peat bog between the Val di Cembra and the Val di Fiemme, whose waters flow away from the two slopes. The vegetation is that typical of the transition mires. A small area of the peat bog is covered with a small downy birch forest.

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Identity Card
Cod. RN2000: IT3120020
Surface Area: 5.93 ha
Provinces: TN
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© 2025 - Rete di Riserve Fiemme-Destra Avisio