  • Panorama of Bargi from the lake (PR Laghi Suviana Brasimone) (photo by PR Laghi Suviana Brasimone)

27 incredible laps in the Northern Apennines, enjoying the accommodation points as well as breathtaking views and far horizons. A total immersion in today's Apennines, a journey to discover sensations and emotions that seemed to be forgotten: "Alta Via dei Parchi" is all this, and much more.

National Parks

Unesco World HeritageUnesco Man and BiosphereEuropean Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected AreasAppennino Tosco-Emiliano26.149 ha
Unesco World HeritageEuropean Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected AreasIUCN Green ListForeste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona, Campigna36.426 ha

Interregional Parks

 Sasso Simone e Simoncello4.847 ha

Regional Parks

European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected AreasAlto Appennino Modenese (del Frignano)15.363 ha
 Corno alle Scale4.974 ha
 Laghi di Suviana e Brasimone3.330 ha
Unesco Man and BiosphereValli del Cedra e del Parma (dei Cento Laghi)1.472 ha
Unesco World HeritageVena del Gesso Romagnola6.122 ha

The photo next to the name of the protected area means that you will find information directly updated by the respective Park Authorities.
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