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Today the meeting with the Administrators joining the project will take place in Assergi
(Assergi, 23 Apr 13) Within the Life+ "Praterie" Community Project a first meeting between the Park Authority and the Administrators joining the Project took place today in Assergi. Marcello Maranella, director of the Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga Park, as well as several mayors and delegates of the municipal ...
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PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life PrateriePrimo incontro con i sindaci 26/04/2013 (foto di A. Narciso)
(Assergi, 16 Apr 13) The Life+ "Praterie" project official website is online. The community project aims at the long-term conservation of the grasslands and pastures in Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park, with the Park Authority being the only recipient and coordinator. The website is realized by the ...
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PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life PraterieThe European Union allocated 800,000 Euros to safeguard the Campo Imperatore grasslands and pastures
(Assergi, 10 Mar 13) A new important Life project has been started in the Park, and it will positively affect the biodiversity conservation and the good management of the pastures in the protected area. The project called "Praterie" (meaning "grasslands") will be realized within December 2017 with a ...
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PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life PrateriePraterie fiorite (foto di A. Mertens)
(Assergi, 08 Mar 13) Thanks to the participation of the administrative
as well as legal basis, and to the improvement of the public notices related
to the selection of the different professionals and of the advisors necessary
for the realization of the project, and thanks to the launch of fruitful relations
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PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life PraterieThe project especially addresses the conservation of Campo Imperatore
(Assergi, 12 Feb 13) (Assergi, February 12, 2013) - "We are very proud that the European Community
approved the Gran Sasso and Laga Mountains Park's project which will effectively
affect the fragile balance between the needs connected to the conservation of
the precious grasslands' habitats and the relate...
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PN Gran Sasso - Progetto Life PraterieLa piana di Campo Imperatore (foto di A. Mertens)