
Free-Med Project

Pilot Committee and Technical Committee - Larissa (Thessaly -Greece) 1-2 March 2011

(Francavilla di Sicilia, 15 Mar 11) On 1st and 2nd March 2011, in Larissa (Thessaly - Greece), there was a meeting of the Pilot Committee and the Technical Committee of the Free-Med Project, the Park is a Partner of together with other river protected areas situated in countries north of the Alps. During the meeting, the indicators of project development were illustrated, and the partners agreed on the need to accelerate the "communication" element. The Partners agreed with the Partner in charge of the communication (PHP: the French partner of the Haute Province) on the technical actions to update the dedicated web site, as well as on the actions for the development of the shared communication brochure entrusted to the project leader, the "Patto dell'Agro della Valle del Sarno". The main features of the Park Pilot Project were illustrated (river contract, DVD production, mill census, development of a GIS with layers on the river issues, overlap of geo-referenced aerial photos, bike points, environmental quality label). The meeting brought the interesting news that the partnership will be long-lasting and go beyond its natural deadline, with several opportunities of technical and cultural exchanges. Very interesting opportunities of exchange of strong historical and cultural identities with the Greek Partner of the Region of Thessaly were highlighted: this region houses the famous mythological Mount Olympus, cradle of the Greek civilization which was exported into Sicily in our "Via dei Greci" (the Road of the Greeks), for which Valle Alcantara is rich in archaeological and museum evidences. This opportunity was confirmed during the greetings of the Secretary General of the Region and by the State Authority in charge of the Waters. Alcantara River Park was represented by dott. Filippo Zullo and dott. Fausto Ronsisvalle, the latter being the consultant in charge.
Pilot Committee meeting
Pilot Committee meeting
Technical Committee meeting
Technical Committee meeting
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