
Parco Naturale Regionale del Beigua

Rapaci diurni del Beigua (Daily birds of prey of Beigua)

I Taccuini Naturalistici

Through realistic illustrations and accurate descriptions, we will discover the characteristics and habitats of the many species that live permanently or transit through the Beigua Geopark.
  • Texts: Gabriella Motta
  • Illustrations: Marco Bonifacino
  • Graphics: Marco Bertolini
  • Series: I Taccuini Naturalistici
  • Price: 2.00 €  

Notes: On sale in the Visitor Centers and Info Points of the Park.

Rapaci diurni del Beigua (Daily birds of prey of Beigua)
Rapaci diurni del Beigua (Daily birds of prey of Beigua)
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