
Dosso Saiano didactic route

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Interest: Hystory

    The nice village of Bolognano, where this didactic route starts from, still keeps some historical fountains which - before the coming of the modern aqueducts - were the only source of drinkable water. The water coming from the Gazzi source went down through wooden pipes that, in the first half of the 19th century, were replaced with stone pipes whose production had been started in the upper quarries of Caproni Forest.
    At the beginning of the 20th century the municipality provided that there had to be a person in charge of the fountain who, besides cleaning the streets, also had the task to clean out the fountains every week, in order to keep the aqueduct in a good condition.

    Dosso saiano, Saloncello river
    Dosso saiano, Saloncello river

    From the village one can take two paths leading to the charming canyon dug by the Saloncello river: the upper one passes below the Dosso Saiano, whose name derives from the ancient Sejano's family, which built its own castle here. In 1267 the prince and bishop of Trento ordered to destroy Sejanos' fortress because they did not yield to his authority. A document reports that the decisive battle lasted three days and occurred in the Bruttagosto plain. Sejano's army was destroyed, and those who did not die on the battlefield fell in the Sarca river while trying to escape.
    The lower path leads to the village of Vignole, where it is possible to see the "Torbole window", namely one of the points from where the diversion tunnel - which brings the water along 14 km from the Cavedine Lake to the hydroelectric plant of Torbole - was dug through the use of the mines.

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