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Volunteers wanted!
(Tione di Trento, 16 January 2015) The Park's mobile app is ready and it needs to be tested: if you have a smartphone or an iPhone, if you feel like walking, reading the information boards and taking pictures, then you can become part of the voluntary testers...
Inauguration of the Sarca River Park
On 14th December at 2.00 pm in Sarche (TN)
(Tione di Trento, 10 December 2014) It is an opportunity to discover the beautiful murals in Sarche, realized in collaboration with the elementary school and with many amateur photographers of the territory.
(Tione di Trento, 31 December 2012) The appointed leading institution is the Sarca mountain catchment area (BIM - Bacino Imbrifero Montano in Italian).
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