
Parco Naturale Regionale della Lessinia


Marchio del Parco Naturale Regionale della Lessinia

On 20th March 2006, the Mountain Community - Lessinia Regional Park decided to award the Park Logo to subjects and associations carrying out activities that promote, safeguard, or enhance the Park area.
The Park Logo is awarded to:

  • Traditional or top-quality products chosen by the Lessinia Regional Park Logo Committee
  • Holdings situated in the territory of the Municipalities of Lessinia Mountain Community or Lessinia Regional Park
  • Products of the holdings situated in the territory of the Municipalities of Lessinia Mountain Community or Lessinia Regional Park, that are sold in these territories.

The products that have received the authorization to use the Park Logo so far include Monte Veronese, several kinds of local cheese, caciotta obtained with milk coming from the summer mountain pastures, and other products deriving from milk like butter and yogurt, beef, cold cuts and salami, spiced or not, chicken eggs resulting from a tradition that is still alive in the economy of Lessinia.
The Logo enhances the fruits of alternative cultivations opening new possibilities for the mountain economy: they include strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and red currants, also used to produce fine jams. In the area of Upper Chiampo Valley the farming of brown trout and rainbow trout has become a tradition thanks to the features of the water of the homonymous stream. The Logo has also been awarded to honey and to spontaneous aromatic and medicinal plants employed in cooking, cosmetics, and liquor production.
The Logo has also been awarded to some restaurant owners preparing and interpreting the traditional recipes using the products from Lessinia. The results are tasty dishes like cold cut boards of Lessinia, gnochi sbatui or gnocchi di malga, soup with groste, gnocchetti with ricotta, tagliatelle with Lessinia black truffle, potatoes seasoned with the Park herbs, Cimbran roulade, roasted pork shin and truffled lamb, snails and pigeon with polenta, bilberry tart with Monte Veronese, and several other delicacies. Also bakery products are very good, both sweet (jam tarts, crumble pies, savoiardi biscuits and sfogliatine biscuits, sbrisolona pie, schioppetti, and the esse of Bosco Chiesanuova) and savoury (pan biscotto, bread with ricotta, etc.).

List of the operators, grouped according to the typology of activity:
Marchio del Parco Naturale Regionale della Lessinia
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