
Parco di Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli

San Rossore Estate Visitor Center

Locality Cascine Vecchie - San Rossore Estate
56122 Pisa (PI)
Municipality: Pisa
Region: Toscana

Tel. 050/530101 - 050/533755

Visiting San Rossore estate
The function of the building as Estate of the President of the Italian Republic until 1999 has determined for a long time a management of this territory which was focused on security and privacy, so that the access has been severely controlled and limited in space and time.
The entrance (both pedestrian and for cars) to the San Rossore Estate today is free, and in the future a fee will be charged only for the supply of services or for social activities authorizations. The access is only allowed from the historic entrance of Ponte alle Trombe, controlled by a dedicated personnel, in the working days from 7.00 am to 1.00 am, able to give visitors and users all the necessary information.
Motor vehicles and cars can access only a part of the asphalted stretches and can be parked, besides the parking areas, on both sides of the accessible asphalted roads.

San Rossore Visitor Center is situated a few meters from San Rossore estate's main entrance, in the locality of Cascine Vecchie.

  • The Visitor Center is also information and meeting point for didactic and guided tours on foot, by bike, by bus and by ecological train.
  • Rental of bikes, rickshaws, electrical cars and 8-seat bus for people with disabilities
  • It is possible to make use of a transport service by bus or ecological train between the train stations of Pisa S. Rossore and Pisa Centrale, and from the schools of the areas bordering the Park.
  • Within the building one finds explanatory materials, publications regarding the Park's territory and gadgets.
  • Nearby there is an outdoor area for packed-lunch and picnics.
  • The environmental education activities are carried out by hiking environmental guides.
  • On demand it is possible to book environmental education activities in english, german and french.
  • Schools and groups: reserved transport service by bus to the train stations of Pisa Centrale and Pisa San Rossore
Opening times:

San Rossore Estate's Visitor Center
San Rossore Estate's Visitor Center
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