
Parco Naturale Regionale Monti Simbruini

Erbario Sub imbribus

Characteristic herbs and plants of Monti Simbruini Regional Park selected from De Materia Medica by Andrea Mathioli (year 1544) preserved in Santa Scolastica Abbey

In the Library of Santa Scolastica Abbey there is a treasure of ancient books, of pages worn out by time and readings, caskets of ancient knowledge, shoulders of the giants on which we modern men are sitting now.
One of these books was written in 1544 by the doctor Andrea Mattioli, who translated De Materia Medica by Dioscorides from Greek, adding his own comments and considerations. An ancient work became in this way over 500 years ago a source of modern knowledge through the study and implementation of the knowledge. 500 years after, Monti Simbruini Regional Park transforms its natural beauties and great historical-artistic heritage into its strength, recovering this ancient knowledge preserved in the library of Santa Scolastica Abbey and making it accessible to everyone, focusing on the pages regarding the plants and medicinal herbs growing in the Park.
The people of Simbruini, even without reading Mattioli or Dioscorides, has always used these natural resources that have represented over the centuries source of health and sustenance.
If you purchase this item, you can require for free one of the following bookmarks of Monti Simbruini Park:
- Bookmark Robertia taraxoides
- Bookmark Eightpetal Mountain Avens
- Bookmark Orchid (Early Purple Orchid)
- Bookmark Griffon Vultures
- Bookmark St Bernard's Lily
- Bookmark Fondi di Jenne (autumn)
- Bookmark Volubro del Ceraso
- Bookmark Deer
- Bookmark River Aniene (loc. Fiumata)
- Bookmark Peach-leaved Bellflower
  • Series: Erbari del Parco
  • Edited by: Silvia Zaccaria
  • Publisher: Parco Naturale Regionale dei Monti Simbruini
  • ISBN: 978-88-89444-07-8
  • Pages: 176
  • Size: 24x33.5cm
  • Year: 2010
  • Price: 40.00 €  offerta Special price 30.00 €

Notes: Drawings taken from: Discorsi di Pier Andrea Mattioli sull'opera di Dioscoride (1544)

Erbario Sub imbribus
Erbario Sub imbribus
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