
Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise

Trekking to Serra di Rocca Chiarano

16 km of trekking at high altitude with 4 peaks over 2100 m

Sunday 26 May 2024

A magnificent trek at high altitude with exceptional views, with four peaks over 2100 and 16 km of walking.With this crossing we will cover two thirds of the long mountain ridge that from Passo Godi reaches above the town of Barrea, touching four peaks over 2100, with a view that extends all round on Monte Greco, the Toppe del Tesoro, Monte Rotella , the Majella, the Morrone, the Meta Mountains, the Matese, the Velino. From Passo Godi, at an altitude of 1550 meters above sea level, we will climb to the Valico dello Scalone (1926 meters above sea level) and therefore to Cima Scalone at an altitude of 2156 meters above sea level. From here the ridge path begins, which will lead us first to Monte Scalone (2212 m above sea level) then to Serra di Rocca Chiarano, the highest point of the route at an altitude of 2262 m above sea level, and therefore to Rocca Chiarano (2175 m above sea level) , the last of the four peaks reached in the traverse. We will therefore descend to the Stazzo dell'Affogata, entering the Selva Bella forest and then reaching the starting point, completing a complete ring.


Experience a ridge traverse touching four peaks over 2100m

Admire the landscape shaped by ancient glaciations

Let your gaze sweep in every direction from north to south, from east to westEnjoy the walk in a wild and little-frequented environment

Savor the taste of a real ascent

📞349 3938773 (Jessica D'Andrea)


📆online booking >>


Towns: Pescasseroli (AQ), Scanno (AQ), Villetta Barrea (AQ)
Province: L'Aquila Region: Abruzzo
Organization: JD Trek
Info Line: 349 3938773
Trekking to Serra di Rocca Chiarano
Where to sleep in:
Pescasseroli, Scanno, Villetta Barrea
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