
Meeting at the park: on ancient paths... with new eyes

Flora, Fauna, and Geology - Buttogno-Valle del Basso (S. Maria Maggiore)

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Interest: Flora, Wildlife, Geology, Panorama

    Useful information on the Nature Trail

    • A ritroso nel tempo ("Back in Time")
      Pranero - Praudina
      Short and easy route (30 minutes / unimportant difference in height)

    • Attraverso i boschi ("Across the Woods")
      S. Maria Maggiore (800m) - Cappella di Larecchio (1,690m)
      Average difficulty and significant difference in height (2 hours and 15 minutes / difference in height: about 900m)

    • Bellezza e fatica di vivere in alto ("The Beauty and the Effort of Living in the Mountains")
      Cappella di Larecchio (1,690m) - Al Cedo (1,560m)
      Average difficulty (40 minutes / difference in height: about 130m)

    • I tempi della natura ("The Rhythms of Nature")
      Al Cedo (1,560m) - Laghetti del Geccio (2,100m)
      not including the detour to the outcropping rock called "il castello" ("the castle", 1,870m)
      Average difficulty and difference in height (1 hour and 45 minutes / difference in height: about 540m)

    • Insediamento, abbandono, rinascita ("Settlement, Abandonment, Rebirth")
      Patqueso (1,100m; A. Crotte 990m) - Bocchetta di Vald (1,820m)
      Average difficulty and significant difference in height (2 hours and 40 minutes / difference in height: 830m)

      Via the intermediate road A. Erta (1,270m)
      Average difficulty and moderate difference in height (1 hour / difference in height: about 280m)

      Connection: A. Erta (1,270m) - Al Cedo (1,560m): it allows hikers to pass from a stretch of an itinerary to another according to their selected route.
      Average difficulty and moderate difference in height (30 minutes difference in height: about 290m)
    Further information
    Books and Guides
    I Taccuini del Parco - Incontro al parco
    Price: 4.00 €
    Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
    Item temporarily sold out at Emporio dei Parchi
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