
Alpe Scaredi - Cicogna

  • Trail Conditions: On foot

From the Alpe Scaredi bivouac, climb up towards the Laurasca foothills, on the final stretch travelled the day before coming from the Bocchetta di Cortechiuso. Along the west side of the Laurasca you reach the Bocchetta di Scaredi (2095mt) and the ridge that leads to the Bocchetta di Campo bivouac (1994mt).

3° giorno: The Bove path

Accommodation: Bivacco Alpe Scaredi

The Bove Path
The Bove Path

From the Bocchetta di Campo continue along the ridge towards the south to reach the Strette del Casè. The descent of the Strette del Casè presents itself as a demanding part of the itinerary since it is not equipped and very dangerous in case of rain. The narrow ones are three, the narrowest is that of the middle. All are inaccessible and require experience and great attention since the route is not signposted from Bocchetta di Campo to Pogallo except by sparse and old faded red signs.
Leaving the Straits, pay attention to the orientation especially in case of fog, go down the steep Ghina meadows to reach the Alpe Cavrua (1410mt) and then, with path in the beech forest, go down to Pogallo (777mt) and finally to Cicogna.

1. from the Ghina meadows you can recover the crests and reach the Cima Sasso and then descend to the Colma di Belmello to the Casa dell'Alpino (Alpe Prà (1250mt)) and finally to Cicogna (a very difficult route and with a very
dangerous passage before to arrive at Cima Sasso, marked with old red signs).
2. On an unmarked and difficult to identify path from Alpe Cavrua continue towards Alpe Vogogno towards Alpe Leciuri, where the paths coming from Cima Sasso and Pogallo meet.

Today the Bove Trail is a path that can be completed in three to four days. Since this is a ridge itinerary, it must be walked very carefully and possibly accompanied by an Alpine Guide.
The variability, in relation to the weather and the season, of the visibility and the conditions of the soil, make its use difficult and risky, also considering that, besides M. Zeda, the work of maintenance of the path and of signage restoration are not yet carried out. The ridge Corone di Ghina-Cima Sasso is a variation of the Bove path, with grade F mountaineering difficulties in the CAI and T5 classification in the CAS classification. Since the scheduled maintenance work is not yet carried out, the route is also lacking an existing chain, removed by unknown people, with an increase in the mountaineering difficulty.

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