
Parco regionale del Partenio


I vertebrati terrestri del Parco Regionale del Partenio

The scientific research activities aimed at the creation of a Biodiversity Observatory in Partenio Park, partly summarized in this volume dedicated to the terrestrial vertebrates, have been possible thanks to the implementation of Progetto Integrato Territoriale (through the resources of Measure 1.9, Action c). The project has been developed according to three main branches. The first branch is dedicated to activities aimed at the knowledge of the elements forming the Park biodiversity: such activities include a preliminary stage of acquisition and study of bibliographic sources and systematic wildlife and botanical census activities that have led to the elaboration of updated checklists of the species and thematic cartography. The second branch is dedicated to the elaboration of biodiversity safeguard and preservation measures. The third branch is dedicated to the diffusion of the results, mainly aimed at improving the knowledge and values linked to the biodiversity of Partenio Park for the benefit of both the local and scientific communities and with the probably ambitious aim to become the main supporters of the ecological network in Campania within Natura 2000 Network. As a matter of fact, the research activities carried out in the Park - on chiropters first, and on the wolf after - have been the subject of specific thematic meetings involving the national scientific community. One of these meetings, dedicated to "The wolf and the management of the territorial issues", was organized by Partenio Regional Park Authority within a national workshop held on 18th September 2008 at the Park Offices.
In particular, the research activity dedicated to herpetofauna, characterizing the present volume, has been carried out within a broader survey promoted by the Park Authority to update the knowledge on the biodiversity of the Park territory and establish measures for the conservation of the species. In the last decades, Partenio suffered deep environmental changes that have interested especially the wetlands. Today, it is still possible to find herpetocenoses of great conservation interest at a local and regional level but, in order to face the strong human pressure, it is necessary to urge the implementation of safeguard measures. The Park has recorded the presence of 6 species of amphibians and 10 species of reptiles: according to the literature, there should be 5 species more.
    I vertebrati terrestri del Parco Regionale del Partenio
    I vertebrati terrestri del Parco Regionale del Partenio
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