
Parco Regionale di Porto Conte


1943. Fortini a Porto Conte

In Sicily and Sardinia, a series of events has enabled the survival of many buildings (little concrete stations for automatic firearms and cannons) that are today, at least in theory, protected by law, according to the "cultural common sense" and the example coming from abroad.
But what established by law could be not enough, if the local administrators do not have useful instruments giving them a thorough knowledge of these structures, their context, and their precise location.
This volume edited by "Associazione Studi Storici Fortificazioni Sardegna" – A.S.S.Fort moves from this contribution. The Association has been gathering since 2001 experts and enthusiasts with the aim to find, recover, and enhance, within a tourist and cultural context, the peculiar remains of the 20th century defensive system of Sardinia. Since its establishment, A.S.S.Fort has been collaborating with public and private subjects interested in this enhancement, sharing, and transmission of the relative memories.
We have accepted with interest the invitation of Porto Conte Regional Park Authority, entrusted with goals of "safeguard and enhancement". We hope that these notes may lead to the activation of projects aimed at preserving and handing down, together with the monuments, the memory and the lesson of this page of History, unfortunately linked to an indelible tragedy.
  • Series: I quaderni del Parco di Porto Conte - 2
  • Edited by: Giuseppe Ciarro, Rolando Galligani, Daniel Grioni
  • Publisher: Carlo Delfino editore
  • Price: 10.00 €  
1943. Fortini a Porto Conte
1943. Fortini a Porto Conte
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