
Parco Regionale di Porto Conte


I parchi della Sardegna e della Corsica

Retraparc, the Transfrontier Park Network born under the aegis of the European Union through the Operation Program "Italia – Francia Marittimo", with the Province of Sassari as leading partner, inaugurated a couple of years ago the beginning of a new cooperation between Sardinia and Corsica.
The project, dedicated to parks and protected areas, aims at creating a network based on cooperation principles for the implementation of an integrated and sustainable management of the natural resources in order to increase the competitiveness of the area in the economic and tourist fields.
The partners are the Environment Office of Corsica with Bocche di Bonifacio Marine Park, Corsica Regional Park, Asinara National Park, Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park and Porto Conte Regional Park.
  • Publisher: Carlo Delfino editore
  • Price: 55.00 €  
I parchi della Sardegna e della Corsica
I parchi della Sardegna e della Corsica
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