
Parco Naturale Regionale delle Prealpi Giulie

Pian dei Ciclamini Visitor Center and Guest House

Loc. Passo Tanamea (S.S. Tarcento-Valico di Uccea)
33010 Lusevera (UD)
Municipality: Lusevera
Region: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Tel. 0433/53534

The structure, situated in loc. Pian dei Ciclamini (Municipality of Lusevera), offers the visitors - above all pupils and students - the possibility to discover one of the most fascinating valleys of Friuli and one of the most interesting of the protected area as far as nature, history, and culture are concerned.
It consists of an exhibit area enriched with panels and completed by photos describing the area, a multipurpose hall, and a beautiful guest house.
The new Visitor Center, at the foot of Mt. Musi chain, is surrounded by an extremely interesting and rich naturalistic setting characterized by forests, rocks, watercourses, and karstic caves. Near the structure, a ring-route leading to Tanamea Pass leaves: in summer you can go along it on foot or by mountain bike, in winter with cross-country skis. As an alternative, a new short sensory route has been prepared: this route is accessible for people with disabilities.
Opening times: Now closed

Pian dei Ciclamini Visitor Center
Pian dei Ciclamini Visitor Center
Pian dei Ciclamini Visitor Center
Pian dei Ciclamini Visitor Center
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