
Parco Naturale Regionale delle Prealpi Giulie


Didactic Proposals 2019/2020

At School in the Park

For the 2019/20 school year, the Prealpi Giulie Natural Park offers schools the "A SCUOLA NEL PARCO" educational paths, various Environmental Education activities aimed at students' knowledge of the naturalistic peculiarities of the protected area and its territory of reference, through unique and involving experiences in direct contact with the natural environment.

The Prealpi Giulie Natural Park can be visited in all seasons; for this reason environmental education activities are offered throughout the year for primary and secondary schools.

Guided excursions in the area and guided tours of exhibitions and thematic museums, allow you to fully enjoy the naturalistic and cultural peculiarities of the protected area.

The various environmental themes can also be studied further in the naturalistic laboratories present in the Resia Visitor Center and through special presentations at the individual schools.

In the Park it is also possible to stay for several days, using the Resia guesthouse (20 beds) or at partner hotel facilities.

The proposed activities are able to respond to a wide range of needs, while remaining open to possible proposals for modification, in order to integrate with the educational programs planned by the teachers.

Further Information

To take part in the programs, it is necessary to fill in the entry form and send a copy of it to the Park Authority.                 

For information and bookings: Ente Parco Naturale delle Prealpi Giulie - Piazza Tiglio, 3 - 33010 Resia (UD) - Ph. +39 0433 53534 - Fax +39 0433 53129 - -

Click here to find all the Environmental Education Proposals (Italian text)

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