
Parco Naturale Regionale delle Prealpi Giulie

Permanent Exhibit Dedicated to Speleology and Karstic Phenomena in Canin

Specialties: Geology
c/o Sella Nevea Multipurpose Center
33010 Chiusaforte (UD)
Municipality: Chiusaforte
Region: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Tel. 0433/54060 (periodo estivo e festività)

The area of Canin massif is one of the most longed-for international destinations for speleologists and researchers for its specific features linked to its karstic phenomena and cavities (over 1,000).
The exhibit, situated next to the information and tourist welcome office in Sella Nevea, houses not only rock and concretionary finds, but also speleological equipment, offering students a realistic idea of the local geological variety.
The exhibit also includes a big relief model reproducing most of the Canin area and the relative subterranean world.

Opening times:
Open in summer and on holidays,
timetable to be established.

Relief model at the Speleological Visitor Center
Relief model at the Speleological Visitor Center
Speleology Visitor Center
Speleology Visitor Center
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