
Parco Naturale Regionale delle Prealpi Giulie

Prealpi Giulie Park Quality Label

The "Marchio di Qualità del Parco naturale delle Prealpi Giulie" (Park Quality Label of the Julian Prealps) is a strategical initiative of the Park Authority to foster and enhance the territory of the protected area, supporting the sustainable socio-economic progress according to the institutional goals highlighted in the Regional Law 42/96, and to the contents of the Conservation and Development Plan.

Further information

The awarding of the label represents the commitment of the joining subjects to work in a network coordinated by the Park Authority, to foster the territory, to improve the quality of goods and services supplied in the respect of the environment, of the ethical values and of the local traditions. All the subjects allowed to use the label will be included in the Park's promotional circuit.

How to join

List of the operators, grouped according to the typology of activity:
Prealpi Giulie Park Quality Label
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