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all opening times in May 2023
(04 Mag 23) Haven't visited our Environmental Education Centre in Caprera yet?Don't miss this opportunity, our Geo-Mineralogical and Sea Museums with the Information Point on turtles and cetaceans are open, and admission is free!The Isule cooperative, commissioned by the National Park, with the collaboration of...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Discover the Park Environmental Education Center
(11 Mar 21) Do you remember "Speranza Teresina", the loggerhead sea turtle in difficulty, recovered last February 25 by a fishing boat off Capo Testa?After the recovery intervention of the La Maddalena Park with the SEAME Sardinia Association, in coordination with the local AMP of Capo Testa Punta Falcone, the ...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
(06 Feb 21) Dolphin carcass adrift. Yesterday, the prompt intervention for its recovery. Yesterday morning, thanks to a report by Gianpiero Carcangiu, that signalled the presence of a dolphin carcass adrift near the military base of the island of Santo Stefano, we promptly activated the Seame Sardinia Onlus Ass...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Environment news n.3
(11 Lug 18) Download the Environment News n. 3 enclosed about the activities of bats monitoring and protection....
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Environment News n.2
(04 Lug 18) Download here the environment news n. 2 of the Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Colonial marine birds: good practice
Environmental news of the Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park
(27 Giu 18) Dowload the environment news of the Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park here enclosed that concerns the invasive exotic species. Remember that if you have a Trachemys scripta, you could keep on breeding it but you have to declare its possession to the Ministry of the Environment and Protection ...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Applications before 26 April
(12 Apr 18) A call for applications is open to rank suitable candidates to be hired as summer staff for the collection of entrance fees to the Park. Applications must be submitted no later than 26 April. For the summer 2018, too, Arcipelago La Maddalena National Park is looking for staff for reception services...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Call for expressions of interest by economic operators
(11 Apr 18) The Park Authority announces a call for expressions of interest addressing all tourism-related economic operators that are interested in subscribing an agreement enabling them to issue entrance permits to the National Park. Permits are subject to a fee, except for certain categories; to encourage th...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
(25 Ott 13) The La Maddalena Archipelago National Park announces - within the Art and Nature Festival - the first edition of the contest "I sentieri dell'arte" (The Art's Pathways). This initiative addresses artists from all over the world, with no age, gender or any other kind of limits, and...
Protected area: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena  |  Fonte: PN Arcipelago La Maddalena
Cala Napoletana
Cala Napoletana
(01 Mar 11) The 2011 call for proposals has been published on 26/02/2011, with a deadline for submission for the 18/07/2011. The LIFE+ program comprises three components: LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance LIFE+ Information & Communication Provisional calendar of t...
Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Redazione
LIFE+ 2011 call for proposals
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