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Mountains in autumn (photo by Circolo Fotoamatori di Ledro)
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Western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) (photo by Circolo Fotoamatori di Ledro)
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Tremalzo (photo by F. Rigobello)

Suspended world: a treasure trove of biodiversity

The Alpi Ledrensi network covers great part of southwestern Trentino. It is characterized by a significant richness as far as its flowers and animals are concerned, and it has many extraordinary features: endemic flowers, sites of outstanding importance - on an international and alpine level - due to the presence of migratory birds (Bocca di Caset, Alpo di Bondone, Bocca Trat and Saval), ecological connections in a north-east direction for the presence of ungulates and large carnivores. The area is currently equipped with a good path network, infrastructures and information structures making the enhancement of the network possible. There is a close relationship between the territory and the everyday activities which started in the prehistory (9,000 years ago) with the hunting and the harvesting, that in the course of time became agriculture and farming. This interaction with nature has been going on for centuries, and it still expresses itself through the zootechnical, forestry and agricultural activities, with significant implications for both the economy and the landscape.

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Surface Area: 1'000.00 ha
Provinces: TN
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