
Riserva naturale provinciale Corna Piana

Identity Card
Surface Area: 52.10 ha
Provinces: TN
Establishment: 1972
nome fotografia1
Mosee small lake view of Bes Cornapiana (photo by RR Corna Piana di Brentonico)
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(photo by RR Corna Piana di Brentonico)
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(photo by RR Corna Piana di Brentonico)

It is a particular calcareous relief situated in the high-mountain and sub-Alpine belt, in the northern side of mountain chain of Mount Baldo, where the last strips of beech forest makes way for the sub-Alpine shrubs and especially for the fertile pastures, intertwined with rocky environments. There are habitats of particular interest which are not included in the Annex I of the Habitats Directive, especially the under-rock ones (1%).

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 52.10 ha
Provinces: TN
Establishment: 1972
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