
Area Marina Protetta Tavolara
Punta Coda Cavallo

Carta dei Servizi

Practical guide to discover the Marine Protected Area

The Marine Protected Area has been established for the environmental management, safeguard, and conservation. Its aims include the promotion of the eco-sustainable development of the territory, which means a continuous relationship between the actors operating in the Marine Protected Area and the tourists visiting the area during the summer.
Considering this, the Park Authority has prepared a unique instrument collecting the services managed by the operators of the Marine Protected Area, divided according to the location (from Olbia to San Teodoro across Porto San Paolo) and in 5 categories (passengers transport, rental and leasing, landing, bathing establishments, and diving centers). The operators working within the Marine Protected Area, but whose offices are outside it, have been gathered in one category. The institutional services (Town Hall, Public safety, Emergency medical service) complete the information provided by the service chart.
We hope that this publication will become a new reference point for the collaboration between Marine Protected Area and operators, the latter being essential alleys to share and promote the mission that the Park Authority has been implementing since 2004.
  • Edited by: Area Marina Protetta di Tavolara
  • Publisher: Area Marina Protetta di Tavolara
  • Size: 70x100cm
  • Price: free
Carta dei Servizi
Carta dei Servizi
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© 2025 - Consorzio di gestione Area Marina Protetta Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo