By Car
- From the highway A23 Tarvisio-Udine and from the A4 Trieste-Venice,
exit at the toll booth in Palmanova SS 352 (about 30 km) in the
direction of Grado; in Grado towards Grado Pineta and Monfalcone (SP
14). The Reserve is situated immediately after the bridge over
Canale Primero connecting Grado Pineta with the mainland.
By Train
Railway Stations:
- Cervignano del Friuli railway station SS 352 (about 18 km), public
transport to Grado Pineta. The Reserve is situated beyond the bridge
over Canale Primero connecting Grado Pineta with the mainland.
By Plane
- Trieste-Ronchi dei Legionari airport (18 km), public means of
transport to Grado Pineta (SP 14). The Reserve is situated beyond the
bridge over Canale Primero connecting Grado Pineta with the mainland.
© 2025 - Comune di Grado (organo gestore)