
Parco Naturale Regionale del Beigua

Books, DVDs, and Gadgets

Popular or scientific publications on various aspects of the protected area, but also several multimedia items (on different supports), as well as clothes, accessories, and personalized gadgets.

Found 1 results (Sort order: Category > Item)
Beigua Geopark Geoturismo sotto-sopra
Beigua Geopark Geoturismo sotto-sopra
Alla scoperta del Lungomare Europa - Varazze
Author/s: Alessio Rovere & Matteo Vacchi (SEAMap srl - Environmental Consulting), Felice Zanini (TECHDIVING SAVONA), Marco Firpo (DISTAV - Università di Genova), Maurizio Burlando (Ente Parco del Beigua)
Publisher: Ente Parco del Beigua
Price: free
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