
Products: Oil

Gastronomic Features
When talking about the products of Tevere River Park, it is necessary to highlight three characterizing features:
- the river and lake section characterized by water;
- the hills characterized by vineyards and olive groves;
- the mountains very rich in forests.
Therefore, first of all fish, the waters are very rich in: you can fish pike, whitefish, perch, catfish, carp, trout, chub, grass carp, and sheat-fish. The hills are covered with vineyards and olive groves: the oil has obtained the PDO Umbria Colli Orvietani label and is particularly fine.
Last but not least, wine: there are some of the most famous wine producers (Decugnano, Barberani, Orvieto DOC, Corbara DOC, Falesco, Salviano wine, Grechetto di Todi). Here the Etruscan-Roman wine road crossing the territory touches very important cellars. The forests offer game, above all wild boar, skillfully cooked according to ancient traditional recipes. Then mushrooms, wild berries, honey, and, above all, chestnuts, one of the products which obtained the label of local traditional product. Chestnut tree forests involve above all the Municipalities of Baschi and Montecchio, with their country hamlets. To defend and enhance the product, the local producers have joined Associazione produttori della castagna della Comunita Montana Croce di Serra. Festivals dedicated to the chestnuts are held in the various towns at the moment of the harvesting.

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Extra-virgin Olive Oil
Extra-virgin olive oil is obtained from olive trees situated in the Park and is among the most appreciated oils in Umbria for its undisputable organoleptic qualities, color from green to yellow, average fruity fragrance, average bitter and spicy taste,...
Category: Oil
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