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Potato Bread (with mashed potatoes)

PAT - Traditional Agri-Foodstuffs   


Bread with characteristic sweetish taste. It has a brown-hazel thin crust with superficial cuts. Inside, the dough is white with more or less big holes. The ingredients are: common wheat flour, about 5% wholemeal flour, mashed potatoes or potatoes in flakes, water (70 - 80%), salt, yeast selected for bread-making (brewer's yeast), and leaven. Leaven is added to the dough with the rest of the ingredients and left leavening for 4 hours at a temperature of about 25°C.

Further information

Logo RR Tevere Farfa
RR Tevere Farfa

Further Categories
of Products in the Park:

Sweets, Bread

List of the Producers: