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(29 Mar 17) We inform that fishing permits (“Tesserini per l’esercizio della pesca”) are available in Vogogna at the Park offices (Piazza Pretorio 6, side entrance from Vicolo Santa Marta) and at the headquarters of the Carabinieri command deployed at the Park (Coordinamento Territoriale Carab...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Fishing in the Park: fishing permits available
(25 Ago 15) The Park Authority announces that the bivouac Alpe Ragozzale is not usable. The bivouac's door was left open in the last weeks, and this permitted the entrance and the stay of a sheep flock within the building. We would rather not describe the consequences of such a "carelessness", t...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Bivouac Ragozzale not usable (Photo by Carlo Zanetta)
Bivouac Ragozzale not usable (Photo by Carlo Zanetta)
(26 Giu 15) The Park Authority informs users that the routine maintenance works will soon start in some bivouacs (Alpe La Colma, Alpe Scaredi, Alpe In La Piana, Bocchetta di Campo). During the works (daytime) the bivouacs will not be available, at night-time they will be usable, but some inconveniences may o...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Alpe Scaredi
Alpe Scaredi
(29 Gen 15) Have you had enough of the city and would like to get up close with the wild? Would you like to observe chamois, golden eagles and others elusive species in their habitat? Have you ever hiked in the largest wilderness area of the Alps: Val Grande National Park? We offer you the fantastic opportunity...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
(26 Mar 14) UPDATE OF APRIL 16TH, 2014The impossibility to reach the Val Grande from Ossola, Vigezzo and Cannobina persists due to the snow level and the snowslides. The slopes in the shade of the southern area are covered with snow too. We advise you against carrying out the crossing Malesco-Scaredi-In La Pian...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Attention, please: except in the outer ridge areas, in Val Grande it is almost impossible to use mobile phones
(29 Ott 13) Since the Park is a wild and impracticable area, hikers, above all hikers who do not know the valley, should go along the trails - some of which difficult, dangerous and without trail markers - with the greatest caution and led by expert mountain tour guides (Park Official Guides, Mountain Tou...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Useful Information for Hikers
Ceremony for the announcement of the new geoparks of the European and world network
(09 Set 13) The ceremony for the announcement of the new geoparks of the European and world network took place on the 5th of September within the Asclepio sanctuary in the ancient town of Velia, in the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park, in the presence of more than 450 delegates representing 41 ...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Sesia-Val Grande Geopark now a reality
(01 Lug 13) The Park Authority informs you that the Pian Vada' Bivouac will not be available from 30th June to 20th July 2013 (in any case until the works end) due to the installation of the photovoltaic system and the taking of safety measures for the electrical devices. ...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Vada' Bivouac temporarily closed
(15 Feb 13) A fire broke out yesterday in Val Grande National Park, in the forests situated above Colloro in the Curt Alp. Firefighters, troops belonging to the Territorial Coordination for Environment of the State Forestry Corps, together with the volunteer members of the A.I.B. (Vol...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
foto La Stampa
foto La Stampa
(19 Dic 12) The National Park Val Grande and the Association "Supervulcano Valsesia ONLUS" have started the procedure for the recognition of the "Sesia-Val Grande Geopark" in the European and Global Geopark Network (EGN and GGN) under the aegis of the Unesco. The united candidacy of a ...
Protected area: PN Val Grande  |  Fonte: PN Val Grande
Affioramento della Linea del Canavese presso Vogogna
Affioramento della Linea del Canavese presso Vogogna
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