Main Features
  • trasp
    Fondi di Jenne (PR Monti Simbruini) (photo by Parco Naturale Regionale Monti Simbruini)

Calendar of Events

Choose the region (left) or the province you are interested in (below). You can also search a particular period of time, according to your plans. Finally, you can search among the tags you find on the right or writing a specific term in the underlying box.

2 Events. Results from no. 1 to no. 2


from D
Fondi di JenneDeer's roaring at sunset
Loop route from Fondi di Jenne (1401m) to Colle Campitellino (1417m) with night-time return
(PR Monti Simbruini)
Jenne (RM)
Vallepietra (RM)
21 September 2421 September 24
Monte Crepacuore from Campocatino
At the southeastern boundary of the Park
(PR Monti Simbruini)
Frosinone (FR)
Campocatino (FR)
6 October 24 6 October 24

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