  •  (PR Ticino lombardo) (photo by PR Ticino lombardo)

Parks and protected natural areas along the great itinerary (here the 45 stages):

National Parks

Unesco World HeritageUnesco Man and BiosphereEuropean Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected AreasAppennino Tosco-Emiliano26.149 ha

Regional Parks

 Fiume Taro3.123 ha
 Montemarcello Magra Vara4.320 ha
Unesco Man and BiosphereTrebbia4.031 ha
Unesco Man and BiosphereValle del Ticino Lombardo91.800 ha
 Veio14.985 ha
 Lame del Sesia830 ha
 Mont Avic5.747 ha

Regional Nature Reserves

 Monte Mario
More info RomaNatura
206 ha
 Monte Prinzera309 ha
European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected AreasMonte Rufeno2.893 ha
 Lago di Villa25 ha
 Les Iles35 ha
 Stagno di Holey1 ha
 Tsatelet14 ha

MAB Reserves

 Appennino Tosco-Emiliano498.613 ha

The photo next to the name of the protected area means that you will find information directly updated by the respective Park Authorities.
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