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    Territory (PN Cilento) (photo by PN Cilento e Vallo di Diano)


26 Itineraries. Results from no. 1 to no. 20Sorting: Georef. > Itinerary


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Georef. ItineraryTravelling method Interest
Across Riserva Tirone Across Riserva Tirone
Path N. 4 - The track is located within the Tirone-Alto Vesuvio Forestry Reserve
Departure: Ercolano
(PN Vesuvio)
On foot On foot
6 h
Great interest: Flora 
Across Valle dell'InfernoAcross Valle dell'Inferno
Path N. 1 - The most beautiful places and the most representative environments of the protected area
Departure: Ottaviano
(PN Vesuvio)
On foot On foot
7 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: History 
Along the CognoliAlong the Cognoli
Path N. 2 - The most beautiful and wild scenery of Somma-Vesuvius
Departure: Ottaviano
(PN Vesuvio)
On foot On foot
8 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
Along the Strada MatroneAlong the Strada Matrone
Path N. 6 - The path corresponds to the ancient road traced by the Matrone brothers to go back to the Gran Cono
Departure: Via Cifelli (Trecase)
(PN Vesuvio)
On foot On foot
7 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Panorama 
Antece Mystery and St. Michael Archangel CaveAntece Mystery and St. Michael Archangel Cave
In Alburni Mountains
Departure: Sant'Angelo a Fasanella
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
EE - For expert hikers
6 h 30 m
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Geology Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Archeology 
In the Depths of the EarthIn the Depths of the Earth
Morigerati and Bussento Cave
Departure: Morigerati
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
1 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: History 
In the Middle of the Earth and MemoryIn the Middle of the Earth and Memory
The Gorge of the Stream Sammaro and Roscigno Vecchio
Departure: Sacco
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
2 h
Great interest: Archeology Great interest: History 
In the Realm of the OtterIn the Realm of the Otter
The Gorges of the River Calore
Departure: Felitto loc. Remolino
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
5 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Geology 
Martyr S. Mauro Rupestral SanctuaryMartyr S. Mauro Rupestral Sanctuary
Where nature blends with faith
Departure: Capizzo
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
E+ - Hiking (level)+
3 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Geology Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Religion 
Mt. CilentoMt. Cilento
Mt. Stella and Rocca Cilento
Departure: Omignano
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
2 h
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: History 
Once upon a Time there was the SeaOnce upon a Time there was the Sea
From Velia to Punta del Telegrafo
Departure: Velia (Ascea Marina)
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
T - Tourist (level)
1 h 30 m
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Archeology Great interest: History 
Terzigno Pine ForestTerzigno Pine Forest
Path N. 11 - The path is flat and is inside a thick pine forest
Departure: Via Vecchia Campitelli (Terzigno)
(PN Vesuvio)
On foot Accessible TrailOn foot
30 m
Great interest: Flora 
The Coast of the MermaidsThe Coast of the Mermaids
Punta Licosa and the Museum of the Sea
Departure: Punta Licosa (San Marco di Castellabate)
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
T - Tourist (level)
1 h 30 m
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Archeology Great interest: History 
The Ghost CastleThe Ghost Castle
Monte di Capaccio Vecchio
Departure: Capaccio Vecchio - c/o santuario Madonna del Granato
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
3 h
Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Archeology Great interest: History 
The Great ConoThe Great Cono
Path N. 5 - A guide to visit the Crater of the Vesuvius
Departure: Ercolano
(PN Vesuvio)
On foot On foot
4 h
Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
 The Lone Valley
Laurino and Grava di Vesalo
Departure: Loc. Gorgonero Laurino
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
EE - For expert hikers
5 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Geology Great interest: Religion Great interest: History 
The Mount SommaThe Mount Somma
Paths N. 3 - This fascinating ring route leads to Punta Nasone, the highest peak of Mount Somma
Departure: Ercolano
(PN Vesuvio)
On foot On foot
5 h 30 m
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Panorama 
The Mountain SacrednessThe Mountain Sacredness
The Ancient Trail of the Pilgrims from Novi Velia to Mt. Gelbison
Departure: Novi Vellia
(PN Cilento)
On foot On foot
E - Hiking (level)
8 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Geology Great interest: Panorama Great interest: Religion 
The old rack trainThe old rack train
Path N. 8 - The itinerary follows the historical route for the ascent of Mount Vesuvius from the town of San Sebastiano
Departure: San Sebastiano al Vesuvio
(PN Vesuvio)
On foot On foot
2 h
Great interest: History 
The OlivellaThe Olivella
Path N. 10 - The itinerary retraces the Olivella path, which climbs through the countryside of Sant'Anastasia
Departure: Via dell'Olivella (Sant'Anastasia)
(PN Vesuvio)
On foot On foot
2 h 30 m
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 

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