
Parco Naturale Regionale delle Dolomiti Friulane

Frisanco - Poffabro Visitor Center

Specialties: Traditions
33080 Poffabro (PN)
Municipality: Frisanco
Region: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Frisanco Visitor Center has been built in the premises of the former cheese factory of Poffabro.
The structure, inaugurated in April 1933, is now divided into four sections: the real cheese factory on the ground floor; "In mont - le malghe del Parco", the Park naturalistic aspects and Val Colvera at the second floor. On the first floor, after a brief digression dealing with the regional dairies, particular attention is dedicated to the one in Frisanco, from the first meetings to the establishment of Società Latteria Sociale Turnaria di Poffabro-Casasola in October 1932, from the inauguration of the premises in 1933, to the organization and working until the second half of the 1960s.

The processing hall of the Cheese factory has been maintained with the original equipment and tools used for the cheese processing (dating back to the 1930s): in particular, it is necessary to mention the working system set in motion by driving belts moved by an electric engine, the fixed system boilers for the heating of milk, and the bench where the cheese was pressed with moving loads (Friulano system). The upper floor houses an introductory section dealing with the Park environment and presenting the geo-morphological and vegetation aspects, the vegetable and animal species living in the protected area. A special section has been dedicated to Val Colvera housing the Visitor Center, with its architectural and geological aspects, and its landscape.
The permanent exhibit "In mont - le malghe del Parco" presents the inner section of the "malga" with a reproduction of the so-called "mussa" and the tools used in the processing and transformation of milk into cheese, butter, and ricotta. A multimedia posting gathers the documents on the existing "casere" (also on the ruins of some of them) in the Park area: a rich reality which have almost disappeared, but which has always represented an important integration in the family income.

- Val Colvera
- History of the Cheese Factory
- In Mont
- The malghe of Pala Barzana
- The Milk
- History of the Dairies

Opening times:
Exhibits "L'Arte Casearia e l'alpeggio nel territorio del Parco" and "In mont: le malghe del Parco".
Opening hours and further info

Entrance fee: 2 Euros.

For groups, by previous booking: Tel. +39 0427 87333.
Frisanco - Poffabro Visitor Center
Frisanco - Poffabro Visitor Center
Frisanco - Poffabro Visitor Center
Frisanco - Poffabro Visitor Center
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